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a powerful play
by Aaron Posner
& calling

Performances in
Raleigh & Durham
February 3-19
Thursday, Fridays & Saturdays @ 7:30 PM
Sundays @ 2:00 PM
February 3-5 & 10-12
Ridge Road Baptist Church
(2011 Ridge Rd, Raleigh)
February 16, 18 & 19
Jewish for Good
(1937 W Cornwallis Rd, Durham)
My Name Is Asher Lev follows the journey of a young Jewish painter torn between his Hassidic upbringing and his desperate need to fulfill his artistic promise. When his artistic genius threatens to destroy his relationship with his parents and community, young Asher realizes he must make a difficult choice between art and faith. This stirring adaptation of a modern classic presents a heartbreaking and triumphant vision of what it means to be an artist.

Aggregate is proud to present My Name Is Asher Lev in partnership with Ridge Road Baptist Church and Jewish for Good.

Asher Lev is the centerpiece of Mosaic: A Festival of Art and Theology. For complete information on Mosaic, including full programming and schedule details, visit:

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